Hope Bowdler


SY6 7DD open daylight hours. 

St Andrew's is situated in the heart of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is a Grade 2 Listed Building. It is part of a four-church Benefice together with churches in Cardington, Rushbury and Eaton.

This is a living church, which has met the spiritual needs of its community; in its present form, since 1863, and before that since the 13th century.

 It has the only lychgate with a coffin stone in Shropshire, as well as one of the oldest gravestones in the county - look at the end of the very unusual yew avenue.

Notable flower species to be enjoyed include ox-eye daisy, sorrel, yarrow, veronica species, yellow cat's-ear and greater celandine.

For more information visit the website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/10563/

and Parish Council website:  https://www.eatonhopebowdler.co.uk/


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